LSWM is committed both to protecting freedom of speech and academic freedom and to protecting and safeguarding its students from the risk of being drawn into terrorism.

This policy outlines the School’s commitment to preventing students from being radicalised and potentially being drawn into involvement with extremism and ultimately acts of terrorism. In doing so we recognise that terrorism can be associated with a range of ideologies. Key definitions are provided in Section 3 below.

This policy is written with reference to the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, and to the Formal Guidance issued from the UK Home Office related to the Prevent Duty, September 2015 (referred to as the ‘Formal Guidance’ throughout this policy). The Act places a duty to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.’ and to seek to balance this duty with commitment to freedom of speech and the importance of academic freedom.

For the purposes of this policy, definitions of related key terms are taken from the ‘Formal Guidance’:

  • Extremism:

    vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy,

    • the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. As well as calls for the death of members of the UK armed forces, whether in this country or overseas..

  • Non-Violent Extremism:

    is extremism, as defined above, which is not accompanied by violence.

  • Radicalisation:

    the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.

  • Terrorism:

    an action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people; causes serious damage to property; or seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. The use or threat must be designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.

  • LSWM is committed to:
    • Fostering an inclusive environment in which the principles of academic freedom and of speech underpin our educational institution. - Ensuring vulnerable individuals are safeguarded from being drawn into extremism and terrorism as defined in 3 above.

As such, the School will seek to identify, protect and support individuals who it believes may be at risk of being drawn into extremism and terrorism.

The School will discharge this responsibility in partnership with other agencies, including the Police, appropriate Local Authorities and regional advisory Prevent Co-ordinator.

This policy describes the LSWM contribution to the multi-agency approach to delivering against the Prevent Duty. It also defines the process for referral into the local Channel processes. The Channel programme has been developed as part of the Prevent Strategy to provide support to people at risk of being drawn into terrorism.

  • Risk assessment:
    • LSWM will undertake a risk assessment to identify the potential risks associated with students being drawn into extremism and terrorism. On the basis of this risk assessment and any identified concerns, an appropriate action plan will be developed to mitigate the risks.

  • Staff Training:
    • LSWM will ensure that relevant staff members are provided with appropriate training.

  • Raising Awareness:
    • Staff and students will be made aware of the process for referring concerns regarding students (see Section 6 below).

  • Students:
    • LSWM will work closely with its Students to ensure that the policies developed by the School in this area are supported.

  • ICT Policy:
    • The School will ensure that its ICT Policies have due regard to the duties.

  • External Speakers:
    • The School will ensure it has an appropriate Code of Practice and monitoring process for External Speakers which is regularly reviewed.

  • Appoint a Prevent Lead:

    The School will nominate a senior person to act as the institutional ‘Prevent Lead’

    • Ensuring relevant updates on the Prevent Strategy and on threat levels are communicated to appropriate staff; - Ensuring relevant staff are identified and provided with appropriate training; and in partnership with the HR Department, ensuring that a formal record is kept of those that participate in such training; - Ensuring the board of directors is fully apprised of the most current Prevent-related developments.

Just as when there are serious concerns over the wellbeing or welfare of a student, any member of the School (student or staff member) may identify concerns about a student potentially being drawn into violent extremism or terrorism based on information received or behaviour observed.

It is important that such concerns can be shared in a safe and supportive fashion to enable concerns to be investigated and an appropriate intervention to be developed, if required.

It is equally important that assumptions are not made on the basis of information received and that concerns/referrals are considered thoroughly and fairly. The LSWM will seek to approach such concerns from the perspective of safeguarding the individual about whom concerns have been expressed.

Only where there is clear and compelling evidence of a requirement to do so will information be shared with other agencies. See Section 7 below for further detail.

A flowchart for the process of reporting concerns is included in Appendix A and is detailed below.

Appendix A

Where a student or staff member has concerns that a student is expressing violent extremist views or is at risk of being drawn into violent extremism or terrorism, these concerns should be passed to the Programme Manager.

The Director or nominee will look into the matter, seeking to gather together the substantive information and any evidence which would allow a full consideration of the case.

A decision will be made as to the seriousness of the case. Three potential outcomes are likely at this stage:

  • No further action is required. In this case a confidential record of the case will be kept by the Director.

  • There is a substance to the case but at this stage only internal action is required. The exact nature of the intervention required would be determined by discussion between relevant staff members. Actions and a review date will be agreed. It is anticipated that in the majority of cases the intervention would be supportive and safeguarding in nature.

  • A referral to the police is required because there are serious and immediate issues of safety to the student or others, and/or there is evidence to suggest a criminal act may be committed or has been committed. This decision would be taken only in the most serious of circumstances and only by Director or nominee. In such cases the Academic Dean will be informed of the details and the police referral.

In reaching a decision to share any information with third parties the LSWM will adhere to Data Protection principles.

In following the referral process outlined in Appendix A there may be instances where the LSWM is sufficiently concerned by a student’s behaviour and the risk they potentially pose that it will need to share these concerns with external agencies.

In sharing such information with external parties the LSWM will share only sufficient and relevant information in order to allow the concern to be appropriately followed up.

The LSWM will keep confidential records of any information shared. These will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).